Saturday, September 3, 2011

On blogs and learning to accept the "imperfect"

Although this is my second blog, I am still very new to blogging. Upon creating this blog, my first blog was only a few weeks old and I still was unsure about many aspects. I easily created the account and set up the blog but I had difficulty understanding the customization features and how to create a blog that I felt represented what I wanted to say. This frustrated me and is what has held me back in the past. I was nervous about creating a blog that didn't look, function and read exactly the way that I wanted it to. In short, I wanted the "perfect" blog or nothing at all.

But starting the Tech Ed. course helped me push past that because whether my blog was perfect or not, I am expected to have one. And that both excited and terrified me. So I have been doing some exploring and learning. Tonight, I learned how to download a template from a free site and upload it to my blog, I learned how to edit the HTML to take out the ad boxes that came with the template and I learned how to change my URL and blog name. And as I did it , I thought "I should blog about this!" which isn't yet a natural thought for me.

But what I am learning is that creating a blog that is "perfect" isn't really possible. It is a learning process like anything else and  the more time we spend at it, the better our blogs will be and they will start to represent what we want them to. People aren't born bloggers just like they aren't born readers, writers, mathematicians or scientists! That will be our job as teachers, to help students learn these skills.

So as we start off this year, I am looking forward to learning how we can help our students, through technology and other means to be successful learners just as I am learning how to be a successful teacher (and blogger!)


  1. This is a great reflection to get started! I admit, I had many of the same reservations about blogging that have prevented me to jump on board. It's terrifying to a perfectionist to write personal thoughts and put them out there. Although you can always edit, it's a big adjustment to change your mindset from internal to public dialogue. I have a few blogs that I am experimenting with, deciding on preferred features, formats, purpose and audience. There are many of us on this learning curve with blogging. Good luck and glad you are taking this risk!

  2. Excellent post Rachel. I just read a post from another student that talks about perfection and what and why and how we define perfection in ourselves. I think perfection is when your blog shows who YOU are. I am not there yet. Excellent post and I am excited to read more.
    I must say, I love how you are commenting on other student blogs as well. You are a great support.
